Our team of Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs) and Gender Based Violence and Harassment Specialist Caseworker have had specialist training to support and advise students who have experienced any form of sexual violence. 

This service is available to all students, regardless of gender, sexuality and when or where the incident took place. 

Your SVLO will be led by you. They will listen to you and discuss the options available to you. SVLOs aren’t therapists and won’t ask you to go into detail about what’s happened. They will ask you a few questions but only to ensure they give you the right information. Appointments are 45 minutes maximum and can be in person, online or by phone, whichever you prefer. 

They will: 

  • help you decide what support you need going forward 
  • help you access that support 
  • provide you with information about possible next steps. 

Some of the options may include: 
  • referral to specialist external support agencies 
  • referral to support within the university 
  • Supporting with any academic impact and/or safety concerns 
  • advice on possible reporting options, including to the police or the university. 
There are also resources and external services available to help you, which an SVLO can help you to access, if that would be helpful. 
To request SVLO support, you can either submit a Request Contact from an Advisor form here (this will connect you to one of the SVLOs), or book an appointment via MyWellbeing– you don’t need to write sensitive details on the form. You can write ‘requesting SVLO support’ in the free text box. It is helpful if you can also include when the incident(s) happened and if you have any concerns about your safety. If you have immediate/urgent safety concerns, please contact urgent help by calling 999 before completing the form. 


There are two ways you can tell us what happened