Urgent Help
If you or others feel at immediate risk or need emergency help, please do not submit this form until after you have received urgent support.
For emergencies and urgent help, please call 999.
You can call Security if you are on campus: 01225 875555
For non-urgent medical attention – contact your GP or call 111
You have chosen to report an incident or concern to Bath Spa University without any personal details attached. We take all reports seriously and understand that there are many reasons why reporting anonymously might be the best option for you. We will use the information you tell us to better understand the issues within our community.
We will not normally be able to take any direct action as a result of an anonymous report. There is the option to message the University anonymously via the Report and Support platform and for us to respond. If you use the messaging function you will need to save the code that is generated for your report which is how you will access, send and receive messages. Any information you provide will be private and confidential unless we believe there is a serious safety concern for yourself or someone else.
Whilst the University will not normally investigate or take formal action in response to an anonymous report, please note that if named/identifiable people are reported as being at risk/presenting a risk to others, the University may decide that action is required, even if the person reporting is not requesting any.
If you are considering submitting a ‘Request Contact’ form, there is further information here about
what it is like to speak with an advisor.
We know that experiencing distressing incidents can have a long-lasting impact on your wellbeing, and reporting these experiences can bring up these feelings again. There is more information about accessing support from the University
here. Data Use Only information which you provide as answers to the questions will be collected through this form. By submitting this form, you agree to the use of the information you provide as detailed in the
Privacy Notice.