
  • Are you in immediate danger? If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, call 999 (or 112 from a mobile).
  • Find a safe space -  If an incident has just occurred, try to find somewhere you feel safe. 
  • If this isn't possible and you are scared or fearful, you can call security on 01225 87 5555 or the Police non-emergency number, 101. 

Support at the University

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of age, background, gender, religion, sexuality or ethnicity, and is never the fault of the person receiving the abuse. Abusive relationships can create an environment where it is very difficult to see what you are experiencing as abusive and wrong, and getting to the stage of even thinking about seeking support is a huge step in taking care of yourself. 
When you have been, or are currently experiencing abuse in a relationship, there is no right or wrong way to feel. It may be that lots of complicated and conflicting thoughts are going through your mind, and the most important thing we want you to know is that you are not alone, and there is support at the University for you.  

For BSU students:

  • We know that when people experience domestic abuse of any kind, it can have an impact on being able to engage or focus on your studies. 
  • Please consider submitting exceptional circumstances if your studies have been or are being affected. 
  • The Gender-Based Violence Caseworker/SVLO can do this for you; you don’t need to share any details of what happened.  

For BSU staff:

Other sources of support 
  • South Side: For people living in Bath: Practical support and temporary supported housing for women and children currently experiencing abuse. 
  • Voices: emotional support groups in Bath for people who have experienced/are experiencing relationship/domestic abuse 
  • Next Link. For people living in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset: Practical support and temporary supported housing for women and children currently experiencing abuse, as well as The Freedom Programme support group 
  • Fear Free – Domestic Violence practical and emotional support in Wiltshire 
  • Somerset Domestic Abuse 
  • National Domestic Violence helpline. Call 0808 2000 247 for confidential advice 24/7. 
  • Mankind. Their confidential helpline is available for men suffering from violence or abuse by their current or former intimate partner. 
  • National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse helpline run by Galop provides emotional and practical support for LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse.  
  • Karma Nirvana run the national Honour Based Abuse Helpline and work to end all forms of honour based violence, including forced marriage, genital mutilation, and relationship abuse.  
Reporting what happened 

  • Deciding whether to report what has happened to you is a very personal decision 

  • Staff/visitors considering reporting can submit a form on this website and be connected to HR for further advice and support options.  
  • Reporting to the police. You can report a crime by calling the non-emergency number, 101 or online. You can also talk to a specialist domestic violence agency such as South Side who can advise and support you with police reporting 
  • You can report an incident anonymously using the Anonymous reporting form. We will not normally be able to take any direct action following an anonymous report. 
  • There is more information about how we use anonymous reports here
  • Note that we cannot guarantee confidentiality for anyone named in the report, if there are risk concerns. 
  • If the perpetrator is a BSU student or staff member, you have the option to formally report this to the University as a disciplinary matter. 
  • Note that submitting a Report and Support form will not constitute a formal report itself but will connect you to further information about reporting options. 
  • Note that we cannot guarantee confidentiality for anyone named in a report, if there are risk concerns. 
  • BSUSU Advice Centre - a free, impartial service where an advisor can talk through University procedures, what options are available and support you through processes (e.g. if you decide to formally report to the University).  


There are two ways you can tell us what happened